The Student
The Millard College Catalog is provided on the College website. These handbooks set forth the rules, guidelines, and regulations of the College. If a violation of these regulations, rules, occurs that results in action by a College official, the student has every right to appeal the College official’s decision in regard to the punishment to the Director of Student Affairs.
After receipt of the statement of disciplinary action from a College official, if the student does not concur he/she within 24 hours shall appeal in written form to the Director of Student Affairs. This appeal shall set forth the student’s account of alleged violation. The student’s interpretation the College official’s decision shall be included. Specifically it shall state reasons why the student feels the action taken by the College official was inappropriate or incorrect. This appeal shall be delivered to the Director of Student Affairs.
The Director of Student Affairs
After receipt of the appeal by the student, the Director of Student Affairs shall confer with the student, the college official, and others who may act as witnesses or provide pertinent information regarding the incident. The Director of Student Affairs shall investigate the violation and make a decision regarding future action, if any.
Since developing guidelines to fit all conceivable situations is impossible, the Director of Student Affairs is granted broad authority to use subjective evaluation of actions necessary when no clear guidelines are available or if the Director of Student Affairs feels minor alterations from written guidelines are in line with the best interest of the student, the college, and others who may potentially be concerned. The Director of Student Affairs will advise the student in written form of the student’s appellant rights and procedures.
If in the situation the student feels that he/she has been treated unfair by the Director of Student Affairs, the student may appeal to the Board of Trustees. Upon receipt to the Director of student affairs the statement of disciplinary action, within 24 hours, the student shall appeal in written form to the Board of Trustees. This appeal will set forth the alleged violation and the student’s recount of it. It shall include the student’s analysis of the college official’s decision, and state specifics as to why the student feels the action appropriated by the college official was inappropriate or too harsh. This appeal shall be delivered to the Director of Student Affairs. Upon receipt of written appeal, the Director of Student Affairs shall immediately notify the Board of Trustees. and the President of the college. The Director of Student Affairs shall provided copies of all letters, statement, and the appeal of the student to all members of the Board of Trustees.
The President
The President will review all unresolved issues between the Board of Trustees and the Director of Student Affairs and come to a decision. The President will receive any written appeal by a student in response to actions taken by the board. Within a acceptable period of time, no greater than 72 hours, the President shall:
- All information relevant to the appeal will be reviewed;
- Interview will be conducted for any individuals necessary to aid in resolving the appeal;
- Issue a written decision to the student, and the Director of Student Affairs.
The student will also be informed that he/she may also appeal to the Board of Trustees..
The Board of Trustees
If a student genuinely feels he/she has received unfair treatment he/she may appeal in written form to the Board of Trustees.. The Board will respond within 72 hours if at all possible.
The Director of Student Affairs shall make their findings and decisions available to the Board in writing upon the Board’s request. The Board may call upon the student, Director of Student Affairs, or others when the Board feels they may provide information to the matter.
The Boards function in this capacity is to determine whether or not decisions and actions were just and fair. Within 24 hours if possible the Board shall advise the student and his/her parents or guardians of its decision in writing. The Director of Student Affairs shall receive a copy. In the situation a decision cannot be made within 24 hours the Board shall advise the student of a proper time when a decision will be granted. In all situations the board shall act as quickly, efficient and effective as possible.
When the Board makes its final decision the student who finds it necessary to pursue the matter the student must do so outside the realm of the college.